If you like fast paced, realistic, intriguing pilots... this should be on your list. Even if you dont care about restaurant business life (I personally do) you cant escape the raw emotions you'll face in a kitchen (especially a small, family run restaurant). I guess there's a reason why this series is beloved, the writing is great.
The soundtrack selection, editing, and performances are top notch. Especially the interactions between the 2 cousins are magnificent. Talk about conflicts.
The montages at the beginning with Chicago, the cooking the family photos really helps to understand the situation right away. The goal of our protagonist seems clear: make the restaurant work, make money. But is it? Most likely there is way more under the surface
I'm left with a lot of question marks that makes me want to keep watching... why the bear? What happened to the brother? To the sister? How did our guy win a james beard award?
Clocking at 27 min it's too short though. This is the main issue I have. The fast editing of certain scenes finds a balance with some exposition (the few minutes of the chef talking to his sister says a lot) but, while I do prefer a tight episode rather than a dragged 60 min thing, the impression I have is that I would have preferred an additional 10 minutes of screen time. The part with the ball breakers game feels a bit rushed.