The animated series "Dino Rey" follows a group of young adventurers who discover a secret world full of dinosaurs and tame them to become brave warriors. The story begins with Max, the main character, discovering an island inhabited by these giant reptiles and his dream of becoming the best dinosaur trainer in the world.
The animation is quite basic, but that doesn't stop the series from being entertaining and filling the younger ones with adventures. Although the plot is simple and predictable at many points, the series manages to keep viewers interested through excitement and action in every episode.
In addition to the dinosaurs, the series also introduces other interesting characters, such as the main villain, Zana, and her army of followers, who are always out to control the dinosaurs and conquer the world. Max and his friends must work together to stop Zana and protect the world from the dinosaurs.
Overall, "Dino King" is a fun and entertaining choice for children. While not an animated masterpiece, it is a good choice for an afternoon at home or to entertain the younger ones. I give it a 6/10 rating for entertainment, adventure and excitement.