Back story: when I was 10 in 2011, my older sister showed me the Happy Cow video Ian and Anthony did and I loved it so much and became addicted to Smosh...until early 2015. They went a bit downhill in 2014 but they still had Ian and Anthony and random actors. But in 2015 they chose buttload of "actors" who were on their channel on a regular basis and were not funny in the slightest! I am sure they are good people in real life, but as actors on smosh, they are just not as humorous as Ian and Anthony themselves. Once Anthony left Smosh, Smosh was a dead channel to me. However, I do enjoy Anthony's channel today. If you want something involved with Ian and Anthony in Smosh, watch their content from 2005-2014, or watch Anthony's channel. The REAL Smosh was only Ian and Anthony and a few other actors who barely appeared, like the Food Battle guy and Ian's mom.