To be fair, I haven't read any other reviews about this show. I didn't want to be biased based on the reviews. Also, to be fair, opinions are always biased based on an infinite number of variables. I should say first, I am very sorry for both family's losses and I can relate to their loss and blended story in many ways. However, I found it necessary to say that this show actually frightens me. To watch the obvious narrative, including the manipulative, controlling, cult-like behavior of the "Shemwell" parents ( or "Meanswell" for those of you who think that's cute and sweet), is disheartening. It is also disheartening to see the supposedly questioning uncle appear repeatedly as part of the narrative, as well as the grandparents, of all the children involved. Disgusting use of the name "Means" as a double meaning multiple times throughout, and a disgusting use of both family names as a promotional tool. It is a social experiment and pushing an agenda with a "wolf in sheep's clothing" narrative at the expense of the children. The children are the only "characters" who aren't play-acting in all of this (or are they?). Either way, I'm hoping at least some of these precious children will see their way out of this mess at some point, as I'm sure some others will continue to live out their parent's wishes, or something in between. It's all "in God's hands," right? That's a sloooowwww 2-star clap from me and a never watch again.