Not all remakes can aspire to reach the heights of 'The Departed'. So they should never be attempted. Kamal has always been fond of re-interpreting successful Hindi movie works. In my opinion, Kuruthipoonal was the one that was done the best, though it didn't get full marks for subtlety. This one, however, scores high on subtlety, esp. considering both the lead performances. I was only disappointed that they did not try to re-invent the movie, but just chose to make an almost exact replica. However, for those that did not watch A Wednesday, since it was more of a multiplex success, this is a good opportunity to sample something different from the run-of-the-mill fare (though Tamil cinema of late has fewer of those than Telugu, which is still ruled by the grandiose 'seema' style of movie plotting, or the 'Bommarrillu' fare).