This film begins with a young man by the name of "Stanley DeFeo" (Chance Gibbs) receiving a phone call telling him that his grandmother "Marie Cameron" (Micha Marie Stevens) has recently passed away and has bequeathed her house to him. Considering that he never even knew his grandmother, this news catches him completely by surprise. Even so, after conferring with his girlfriend "Crystal" (Lara Clapp Williams), he packs up his car and drives it to the small town of Amityville to check it out. Once inside the house, he comes across a diary his grandmother has written and, after reading it, he begins to have some concerns about the house he just inherited. However, it isn't until he goes back into town that he realizes that something very strange is going on--and he seems to be the center of attention. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I liked the overall plot of the movie which, if done properly, could have had considerable potential. Unfortunately, this was not the case here as most of the actors tended to be a bit more demonstrative than their scenes required. In more simple terms, a number of them over-acted with Eric Oberto (as "Asmodeus") and Tom Young ("Jeremy") probably being the worst. To be fair, though, the director (Trey Murphy) shares some of the blame--especially since he also wrote the script. Likewise, although the film never really mentions it, the scenery sure looked a bit more like Texas or New Mexico than New York. But what do I know? In any case, I don't consider this to be a good movie by any means, and I have rated it accordingly.