Well guys... despite me really looking forward to this new installment in the franchise and an overall excitement for what was to come... I must say I was generally disappointed. This series started on a high note with a steady decline in quality and intrigue but never landed below average. Each one brought something seemingly new and different to the table... this one, however, I cannot say the same about.
This was essentially just a retelling of the first story but 9 years later. Like, truly guys, it was pretty much the same. I kept waiting and waiting to feel like something was happening. Something interesting, something new or exciting... really, just anything besides a jump scare. All of a sudden I was over 2/3s of the way through and the story was just not delivering. It rounded out being a bit of a bore as far as action/plot went.
The production was also greatly hindered in my opinion by other variables such as script, acting and characters. The script was... poor. It felt like an amalgamation of every cliché line and trope you have ever heard in a horror movie put into one script. I audibly laughed at certain lines because they were just too much to handle lol.
Also the characters were just plainily not super relatable or enjoyable. The dad was just a little too pathetic to where it was a bit cringe, the son was so much of that "irritable, bratty teenager" that it was irksome... and don't get me started on that TIRED, cliche character of the "quirky random stranger that is blunt, pushes comfort zones and becomes best friends with the main character in 12 hours". I think between the script and the characters... the actors didn't have all that much to work with, but if I had to make a blanket statement regarding that, I would say the acting was unsuccessful.
Despite these faults, I wouldn't say that this was entirely unsuccessful as a whole. Being a fan of this universe, it was nice to see these characters, monsters and plots revisited. There were some genuine scares and solid spook factor despite them primarily relying on jump scares. Unfortunately I just don't think they really pushed this in creating something new, fun, fresh and original. I found myself exiting the theater asking myself "why"... like what was their goal in making this, what was their point. I'm giving this a 4.5 rounding down to a 4. It wasn't awful, but as far as recommendation goes I don't think you're missing out on much if you pass on it.
IG - howlingatthemoonreviews.