This show is wrong on so many levels. First it dares to offend hallowed personages who have devoted their lives to enriching others with their special talents in exchange for mere political power, often in the guise of public duty
Secondly, it does so with puppetry---a noble talent that should never be wasted on simple lampoonage (don't bother looking up the word; it's in the urban dictionary). Puppets have their own culture and it should never be appropriated by cis-carbon life forms.
There are many other levels of wrong with this parody that parades as serious satire. Like its use of humor to minimize actual real problems that are literally serious, like celebrity feelings and politician altruism and athlete platforms.
Just because the guy responsible for this travesty is the same guy who gave us the iconic Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, he has no right to skewer ideas and ideologues that we all depend on for guidance. I say, "Smigel, Schmigel!" Has he ever contributed anything to the world other than a quick-witted Rottweiler?
A recent Pew poll shows that 42% of Americans "don't really prefer" comedy that questions established facts. And another 26% think that polls are misleading when they ask leading questions. So you do the math.
In summation, I suggest that we all stick with our exotic island-based reality shows and our hard news shows for real comedy.