There are a few things about this film that just really didn't work for me, but there is also lots to enjoy. On balance it makes for a perfectly watchable and entertaining enough experience, but it could have and should have been so much better.
To start with the positives, Ariana Grande is absolutely magnificent as Glinda. I was sceptical about her as a leading actress but she really smashes it out of the park. Vocally she is spot on. Her mannerisms and dialogue delivery are perfect. She truly eclipses every other cast member and just is Glinda in every way.
Aesthetically in terms of costuming and set design, again I think this film nails it. The commitment to practical sets and a reduction in green screen technology is noticeable and it does create a more engaging look to the film.
Finally the production value of the music numbers is all really solid. Apart from dragging out Defying Gravity for a bit too long, I think the songs are all brilliantly performed and well choreographed.
Now for my gripes...
The whole thing is just far, far too long. Two hours and forty minutes? There is simply no need. Not only this but somehow, despite all this extra breathing room, the film doesn't carry as much emotion in its story as the theatre production. I felt like the plot points around the animals and also of Elphaba wanting to meet the wizard, just didn't carry as much weight as they should. There was just too much time between the emotional beats of the story due to the added run time, which lessened their impact.
I can't argue that she has a great voice (and she nails Defying Gravity), but I just wasn't convinced by Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba. Perhaps this is on the director's shoulders, but she was just played a little too reserved and shy and was incredibly hard to connect to. I know this is part of the character of Elphaba, but even still the whole performance was just too muted. It doesn't help that she was performing across from a great Glinda.
Another annoyance is the colour palette of the film which is disappointingly dull. Given the technicolor wonder of The Wizard of Oz, I was hoping this film would pop a little more on the screen. Glinda's pink dresses, Elphaba's green skin, even the Emerald City itself... they just all felt a bit dull.
Still, none of these gripes are terminal. If you enjoyed the stage show of Wicked you will love this film. If you love musicals you will enjoy this film. Even if you are just a casual movie goer you will find plenty to enjoy here. I do just think given the source material there was maybe a better attempt to be had here.