Some people will never appreciate the 3 Stooges. I mean, this show is a live action America's Funniest Home Videos, if you honestly compare the themes repeated on that show, the clips that end up in the final 3 videos and I find it a refreshing reality show without the incessant undermining and cutting down fellow contestants that is the formula for current 'reality' shows. It may be due to the writers, but the quips that all 3 hosts add throughout the show are often more fun than the images of bodies tumbling off the big red balls. What I also like is, these people are going for their money and they earn it. Given the world's current obesity epidemic, anything that promotes physical efforts to the limit of one's capabilities is not to be dissed and aside from muddy water, the contestants aren't humiliating themselves by intentionally laying in boxes of scorpions or eating 6" long cockroaches. The people looking down their noses at this show likely enjoy watching the opening weeks of American Idol and feeling superior to those folks.