Bandidos, the new Netflix series that premiered in March 2024, is a wild ride through the Mayan Riviera. It follows Miguel, a charming hustler, who assembles a ragtag team of specialists to recover the legendary treasure of the Snake King. While the series boasts some fun action sequences and a charismatic cast, it stumbles with underdeveloped plot elements and pacing issues.
The show's strength lies in its ensemble. Alfonso Dosal shines as Miguel, bringing a roguish charisma that keeps you invested. The rest of the crew provide a good mix of humor and skills. The action sequences, though not overly plentiful, are well-choreographed and exciting. The camerawork adds a dynamic energy to the fight scenes and chases.
The treasure hunt itself feels a bit underdeveloped. The series spends more time establishing the characters than building suspense around the puzzles and dangers they face. The lore of the Mayan treasure feels teased but not fully explored. The series struggles with pacing at times. Certain episodes meander, while others rush through plot points. This inconsistency can leave viewers feeling disengaged.
The production value of Bandidos is solid. The cinematography captures the beauty of the Mayan Riviera, and the score effectively blends action-thriller elements with a touch of Latin flair.
Bandidos is a fun, albeit uneven, adventure. If you're looking for a light-hearted treasure hunt with a charming cast, you might enjoy this series. However, those seeking a more suspenseful and intricately plotted adventure may be left wanting.
It's a breezy weekend watch, but not a treasure trove of storytelling.