Danish, mostly balanced, POV on police excessive force vs. Self protection. You're in a job that pays really well w/quick retirement, however each day you go to work not knowing if you'll be alive that evening. You see the worst of humanity in a continuous stream of encounters; you're trained to ignore yet you're still human; perhaps, at some point, we all will collapse under those stressors. Sometimes you encounter someone who's fifty pounds heavier; five inches taller; and verbally assertive while being physically non-compliant; they know what buttons to push & relish that taunting. They have little to lose; little education; no or poor job prospects; just hanging out; maybe some petty crimes to get by. You've seen this countless times on countless days & like all humans we want our jobs to be easy & safe so we react back in kind. Eventually, statistically, an accident (perhaps deadly) is bound to occur. Thus a storyline told around the world.