I watch a lot of films. I'll watch anything from a slasher fest to some weird arty film that videos bookshelves (well almost).
Last year I pretty much watched every romantic comedy in existence, as that is all my (male) house-mate would watch. I'll watch anything but I've seen enough to know the dire ones (well, we all have our own opinions).
I really enjoyed this film. Maybe it is because I expected it to be really awful. Maybe I got seduced by the good cast. Or I really am a secret girly girl and just thought all the shopping was fabulous.
But seriously, how did this get _that_bad an IMDb rating? I mean, I actually thought it was better than the Devil Wears Prada, which I thought was a bit of a let down. OK, the script is not original but it doesn't contain any big clangers and it doesn't try to hard. There is no wooden acting. No moments of cringe worthy awfulness, and some good cast chemistry. No, if you want to see a bad big-budget rom-com I still maintain Wimbledon is awful. Paul Bettany and Kirsten Dunst looked completely indifferent to one another.
As for being disappointed about books. Sheesh. If you love a book never go see a movie (e.g. Atonement) or accept it is going to be completely different.
Confessions is utterly predictable, but the characters and actors are kooky in a lovable non-Oscar lusting way. Its like cheap chocolate-you know it has hardly any rich content but you keep going back.
F*** it. I really like this movie. Not quite as much as Fight Club or Dawn of the Dead, but its moving up there. Seriously.
Now if only they'd do a sequel involving Christina Ricci and a load of blood...