Produced on a fairly low budget, with cheap special effects and featuring George Hardy of the infamous Troll 2, Cyst is a film that has the soul of those B movies that had their time of fame in the 50s and 60s. It is from those old monster movies where only props were used and were very enjoyable to watch. Here we are offered a 100% handmade creature with some gore to make the experience more grotesque. They managed to make something that honors that type of film with its short duration. It's only almost 70 minutes and the cyst doesn't appear until halfway through the movie, but the wait is worth it to see the bug doing its thing. It is not a horror film per se because it is quite oriented towards black humor. With a small cast of actors who overact a lot, the film is really entertaining and manages to generate laughter with its absurd humor. Cyst is ultimately a fun dark comedy film that deserves a place in the world of B movies. My final rating for this film is a 7/10.