This show is terrible. I mean it's HBO. You expect a certain kind of caliber when a show is on HBO vs The CW. Somehow, the original Gossip Girls show on basic cable from the early 2000's might I add, still manages to blow this one out of the water. I wasn't the greatest fan of the original, but it did have some interestingly flawed characters and had a decent storyline. This one tries to be a bit more risqué adding in some sex scenes and f bombs, but it fails in every way possible. It's boring, they revealed "Gossip Girl" far too early so they already ruined the mystery and potential shock value. I agree with another reviewer that the characters, with the exception of maybe Zoya, are unattractive and fail to captivate. I like that they added some people of color, but none of these characters are believable (not because of their race). Storyline is already stupid and the acting is horrible. Way worse than CW horrible. I don't see this show lasting long. Super surprised, and disappointed, in HBO.