Cans without labels, the short by infamous cartoonist John K is quite a ride, in the same sense that riding in a rat infested tub down a sewer is a ride, for me the cans in the short are the representation of the short itself, looks awful, is cgi and not even a good cgi, it´s gross and nobody should have watch it, specially pay money for it.
Ignoring all the development hell that this short went through, this is still an awful cartoon, it tries to emulate not only the "golden days" of 90´s Nickelodeon and Ren and Stimpy, but you can see some Kricfalusi inspiration in classical animation, from Cigarette The Cat being a strange mix of Tom the cat and Silvester, but also a pretty obvious Donald Duck parody. But instead of doing something interesting or at least funny, this characters are here just to make some gross jokes and do the reference, The cat comes and goes in an attempt at Fanservice (Cigarette has been in other Spumco cartoons) that just makes me pray for someone to put the studio with someone else at the lead. The characters are unlikable, from the 2 kids who are basically Ren and Stimpy without the likability, ten times less Brains and even more psychotic to George Liquor who is the funniest one, though that means that out of the 3 chuckles this cartoon gave me, 2 were from him.
Is there anything good? well, actually there is, though the short sucks, the art itself is good in some scenes, specially when it goes for George, every movement and action he does is a creepy yet sometimes funny visual, though this doesn't help that most of the time, the animation goes from a really impressive Frame per Frame digital to Motion Tween, this doesn't work for the style and it kinda goes against Kricfalusi method, his stuff is good when he does frame per frame because then he can portray lots of emotions, but since most of this had motion tweens instead of what most of the people who like his stuff wants, it just shows as lazy as Liquor´s Neck.
The show could have been good, there are moments where you can see the basis for a decent short, but instead you get a moronic, badly animated mess, the camera makes me dizzy, the transitions are from a youtube video rather then a professional animation studio, some of the 3-d models start solid but then become transparent, this is a mess, dont buy it, this is not worth it, watch this only if you want to see how low can this go, but if you appreciate your time watching movies or watching cartoons, then avoid this, it´s not even a so bad it´s good cartoon, this is just Sad...and you should feel sad, not for Kricfalusi, for you and the backers