Fun fact to start off: using a mythology/theme or whatever you want to call it, that other movie(s) have used, does not make this a remake of said movie(s). But I get if you feel there are similarities. They are kind of obvious or come with the territory.
That being said, this is another horror movie that starts off quite interesting and then continues with characters doing something they just shouldn't be doing. But then again, if we didn't have those scene that are extremely cringe worthy ... well the movie(s) wouldn't happen ... so either cut this some slack and go with the flow or don't watch it at all.
Of course there are more flaws ahead and this does not have the best actors (although for horror movie standards they are not so bad either) or the biggest budget. But it works with what it has, the shock effects are working most of the time and the twists are nicely put along the way.