This movie is CLEARLY made by a bunch of Jesus freaks that just used the PBR as a way to further their religious cause. Every other scene is of people praying, talking about how "Jesus has blessed them" or a close up of a cross necklace. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of biblical rhetoric, I'd watch a Jim Bakker video.
I am so mad that I purchased this DVD. If I would have known that it was a DVD riddled with religious garbage I would have never bought it. If you wanted to make a Jesus film that happened to have a few bull riders in it than fine, call it that. Don't market it as a bull riding DVD that is really about furthering your religious beliefs.
I am SURE that Justin McBride would NOT have participated in the filming of this DVD if he had known what your were planning to do with it. And you must of had one heck of time editing out the F word every other sentence during Justin's interviews...Hahaha.
Shame on you writers/director for misrepresenting this film. You are taking advantage of people and their cash.