Stir of Echoes 2: Homecoming (2007) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a soldier transitioning home from the war to a house filled with ghosts he brought back with him from the war as well as ghosts in the actual house. What could go wrong?
This movie is directed by Ernie Barbarash (Cube Zero) and stars Rob Lowe (The Outsiders), Marnie McPhail (Star Trek: First Encounter), Jason Mercury (Catalyst), Ben Lewis (Arrow), Tatiana Maslany (She-Hulk) and Katya Gardner (The X-Files).
The opening for this movie is very entertaining with a gruesome war scene; after that, the movie feels made for television. Maybe that's where all the budget went (and to Rob Lowe). The ghosts weren't as intense as they intended. The background music was a bit cliche and the depiction of certain characters was over the top.
Overall this is an awful sequel to a worthwhile Stir of Echoes. I would score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.