The original Edge of Hell (a.k.a. Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare) was something of a cult movie. It was really quite terrible in many ways of course. But it was a true one off and decidedly ridiculous. Its finale in particular is a sequence that – to quote an old cliché – really has to be seen to be believed. That climatic scene introduced a character called The Intercessor. Well, he was brought back and a sequel was named after him. Is this a good thing? Well, no it isn't. The Intercessor: Another Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare has absolutely none of the charms of the original. The first flick may well have been low budget but this one is like a home movie. It's shot on video. No scratch that, it's badly shot on video. It consistently looks appalling, like a bunch of people mucking about in front of a camera. The sound is terrible too. While the acting can only be described as horrible. The soundtrack has a few choice heavy metal songs, they are abysmal too. There's nothing good about this. It isn't amusingly inept, it's tedious. If you think that a sequel to Edge of Hell has to be at least semi-entertaining then think again. This is a shocker.