"This movie is terrible. The story could have been decent (think Weekend at Bernies meets Mean Girls) but it never takes off. Instead you are given over an hour of Haley Duff doing her best to act, in a cheap synthetic wig and a wardrobe bested by Sears. The rest of the actors are not that great either, in fact forgettable...the wig is the star. The dialog is cheap and rides the current 'netspeak' craze, "Totes!", for example. You spend 99.8% of the movie in a pink house and like with the storyline, you are stuck there. From impromptu jello wrestling to hand jobs, you are given nothing more than a collage of 'national lampoon ultra lite', cliché, offerings.
Obviously made on a shoestring budget (again, the wig) it's like a Direct to DVD student film, slathered in pink." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That "cheap synthetic wig" you referred to was actually a custom colored/cut human hair wig that set the hair and hair/makeup dept. budget back by over $500.00, times 2 considering the back-up wig needed for stunt doubles. I hardly think Haylie Duff shops at "Sears", since she provided her own wardrobe for her character in her professional and extremely thoughtful, effort to help keep the production budget down. I know this, as I was Head of the Hair and Makeup Dept. on this film. You obviously know about IMDb.. do your research before you rant about it being a "student film", had you done so, you would have seen that most of the crew has many years of experience, but did this low budget indie just for the love of their individual craft and the fun of it and all worked very hard and long hours in doing so. Look, no one held a gun to your head and forced you to watch this. You knew when you saw the cover and read the back of the DVD case that it wasn't an Oscar winning film. Christ.. people, accept it for what it is.. indie made entertainment. "Entertainment" being the operative word here.. you didn't like it.. so what, don't watch it again.