The second Forbidden Siren 2 came out, I bought it. I personally couldn't wait to play this game. In my opinion, they don't make a lot of games with a really creepy grim atmosphere that sucks you right into a nightmare. Alone in the Dark was one of the first that got close, but for myself, the Silent Hill series managed to pull it off the strongest for me. Fatal Frame series is very good as well, and I know there are other ones too, but for me, the Silent Hill series are the best in its genre. So I was very surprised to find out that Forbidden Siren had that same effect on me. Even though some things weren't perfect, I gladly overcame them. With this second installment the game is just as good as the first. Both Forbidden Siren games are as creepy as the Silent Hill games, even creepier perhaps sometimes, and that says a lot I think.
The developers of course made some improvements. First of all, you can play the game with the Japanese voices now, instead of weird unsuitable English voices that the Japanese characters all had in the first Forbidden Siren, so that's a huge plus. The story is very awesome, and remains a bit unclear and weird, to keep it mysterious of course, but it's very well written in my opinion. It has some connections with the first part, but it's more a story of its own, on a completely different location, with all new characters. The game-play has stayed the same. There's the time-line structured missions, and a wide range of characters that you play with through the story. I was very glad they kept that system intact, because once I got used to that in Forbidden Siren 1, it just worked very well. So why would you change that? Lots of times developers change some element in a game, therefore ruining the concept for a lot of gamers.
Forbidden Siren 2 is in my opinion a great sequel to a great game, with just the right improvements. They could've made some things during missions a bit clearer, for example to be able to get all the special items, which gives you a different ending, some of those items are impossible to get without a walk-through. But besides that, the game is perfect for its genre. It's downright creepy with lots of drama and a great story. For people who like Lovecraft, I should say try it, because it has a lot of influence from his stories (without being a rip-off at all).