This film offers an endearing relationship story between two ex-lovers working to save a kidnapped little boy. I saw this film for the first time some years ago on VHS tape and really liked it. Recently I noticed this film was available on DVD but it was listed under a different title. Instead of being called "Goldrunner" it was titled "Ransom Runner". I was so excited to see this film again, so I ordered it right away so I could have it for my collection. When the DVD came I found that this WAS NOT a legitimate version of the film. The quality of the DVD was ridiculous. It had obviously been dubbed from a very low quality version of the film. It even had a section of the film that rewinds and repeats. It was super dark and did not represent the great film I had seen years earlier. I was ticked off, so I did some checking and found out the "Ransom Runner" DVD was a pirated version out of England and that the real "Goldrunner" has not been released on DVD. If you get the rare opportunity to see this film, make sure it is the REAL version "Goldrunner". I hope the legal version of "Goldrunner" is available on DVD someday.