Wow, Cant say how much I'm disappointed with the shooting of this movie. I don't understand why they didn't at least shoot this video in 24fps to make it look more movie-like. Shooting this video with 33fps or what ever they used, has made it look like a cheap homemade video.
The actors are terrible and their dialogs are even worse. I don't understand, did these guys get permission from Lucas arts to make this video?
The CG in this video,,, well can't complain much, in contrast to the rest of the production, it's a master piece. I have seen more professional productions with less CG quality.
It's a shame to leave such a production in the handful of UBER amateurs. But then i guess if your connected you can do anything in Hollywood. The fans curiosity will make them watch it in the end. But don't expect anything and you will not be disappointed.
I give it five stars for the CG work. Good work guys.