As for the idea and concept, brilliant! It heavily borrows from Memento, in that it is shot in short segments that largely move in reverse sequential order. This is great at first to create more mystery (as it does in Memento), only, the whole time I'm watching I can't get it out of my head that they're simply stealing someone else's idea. Now it does mix it up by changing that reverse sequential order up a bit, and it does work to the films favor. The plot itself is a touch weak, but not too bad. It's enough to keep the film moving with some remote believability.
It's weaknesses lie first and foremost in it's script. The writing feels like it's trying so hard to be intelligent, sophisticated and clever. The problem is that it only achieves that in brief moments. Most of the time, you're just aware that it seems to be trying so hard. Also, for this guy to spend month's at a time preparing his "tumbles" into the past only to spend a time in each of them trying to figure out what he's going to do next seems a touch ludicrous. sure it's plausible for the 1st & 2nd "tumble", but after that, this man should be a heat-seeking missile intent on his mission. There are a couple of moments that have that intensity, but it's largely missing. The final weakness may not be anybody's fault... It's simply the film's tiny budget. If this were a Hollywood production, we'd get much better actors, filming, etc. The acting felt B-grade at best, and was often a distraction from the film. The maid-of-honor takes the cake. She had to have been someone's relative, or someone who was owed some manor of favor.
I'm ranking it middle of the pack, in comparison to the best movie's of all time. For a cheap indie flick, it's pretty decent. It is worth a watch, just lower your expectations a bit and go with it!