Jeana (the lovely Estella Warren) has been dating a dashing television newsman, Tom (Michael Weatherley) for awhile. But, wonder of wonders, they have not become intimately involved. This is because 20-something Jeana is still a virgin and wants their first lovemaking session to be very special. They are planning a cruise vacation to that end. One day, Tom lets it slip on his show that his girlfriend is still as pure as the driven snow. This sets a series of events in motion for Jeana, as the media and a growing number of hopeful men arrive on her doorstep, hoping to be the "first". Beautiful Jeana is ticked off at Tom and the couple, once on the verge of matrimony, is having serious problems. One big trouble is that their cruise tickets are non-refundable, as explained by a travel agent (the funny Victoria Jackson). By happenstance, Jeana meets another attractive gentleman who doesn't appear to be putting the moves on her but wants a nice friendship first. What will Jeana do? This is a very minor film in the grand scheme of cinema. It has an interesting premise but ends up going nowhere fast. The lovely Warren is the best reason to see the film, as she is not only gorgeous but brings intelligence and sweetness to her role. Weatherly is quite handsome, too, and succeeds in making his character appropriately annoying. The rest of the cast is fine, with Jackson an absolute stitch as the agent. Yes, the film looks nice, with good costumes, sets, and amenities. But, the script and direction are, well, mostly boring and pointless, with little imagination. If you are a fan of Warren's, you will want to take a chance on this one. After all, you can always turn down the sound. Most romcom fans might give it a whirl, too, since a new movie in this genre is almost always welcome. But, everyone else should skip the flick, as you will be twiddling your thumbs before 15 minutes has passed.