To go into details about what this series is about may put off potential viewers, so I won't. Essentially, it focuses on the work of a small group of academics at a small department in a university in Glasgow. The stories are told as 2-part, self-contained movies, and are about the people and the mysteries that this department investigate - unexplained behaviour, such as the sharing of experiences by identical twins who have been brought up apart.
Some Scottish drama has been excellent - remember 'Takin' Over The Asylum'? - and whilst 'Sea Of Souls' may not be anywhere in this league, it is good, and it's worth tuning in. However, if you are a dyed-in-the-wool skeptic, you may find this show annoying. For me, I felt that the skeptical view was well represented, and the real absence of explanations, or neat conclusions to each story served the subject matter particularly well.