This is a masterpiece of creativity.
They have managed to conjure up a whole movie about a Scottish football team and their talented, genetically modified, canine number 10, without even a rudimentary knowledge of any of those things.
So charming is the film that I'm sure that even the most hard-hearted Scotch people would forgive the odd inaccuracy in the portrayal of Scotch dialect, accent, climate, cuisine, history. Let's be honest, can anyone really differentiate between the Australian, Irish, Bristolian and Scotch accents?
And I'm sure many a tourist must have mistaken the highlands for parts of California, with it's baking sunshine and slim, tanned residents.
I've heard some people question the plausibility of how one charity, grudge map can result in the European cup going to a small village football team. But people forget that this has already happened when the great AC Milan team of 93/94 was forced to give the champion's league trophy to Paul Gasgcoine's uncle, when he beat half the team at arm wrestling in a Yugoslavian dive bar.
Any questions about Nick Moran's acting should be directed to Guy Ritchie, who's strict Shakespearian training will leave a mark on actors long after they have finished working with him. The 6 years between Lock Stock and Soccer Dog, were merely the blink of an eye.
It's a truly wonderful piece of cinema. And the dog is hot