is something real, and rarely depicted so well; there is no melodrama; just people trying to survive. Besides the fact that there are many excellent, underexposed actors; Reg E. Cathey, as Akbar; as well as many of the younger cast members. The movie holds the interest of the audience, because each character is well-developed and believable.
The setting is a deli/restaurant in Brooklyn, which is being taken over by developers; this means that all the employees are out of a job, and the owner also struggles with his conscience as he realizes that: Yes, what he does has an affect on other people. This is a very pertinent story; especially in today's economy; where one either works for a "multi-national corporation" and sells out, as one character tells her mother, or pursues their dream, if they are able.
You will totally enjoy this movie, as it is something most people can relate to, and while it portrays cold reality, there is also a hopeful and positive ending.
As an addendum I would also say that I hope the writer is considering a follow-up to this story, many people who have seen this movie relate to the characters, and hope to see what happens in the future; movies like this are few and far between, substance and character, not slick Hollywood "trash for cash"; which most people tire of after age 20.