NBC never promoted this show, just as Comedy Central never promoted Tough Crowd and it truly is a shame. This show was really funny. After September 11, it was the first show to really openly talk about racial diversity and did it in a crude way that made it hilarious. Now, you look at Chappelles Show and how hilarious that turned out to be and I wonder if this show could have been that good. But we'll never know, because if Colin were to attempt another show like this one, he'll seem like a hack trying to copy Chappelle like one particular unfunny latino comic on Comedy Central known only as Carlos Mencia.
Also, in my opinion Tough Crowd was fantastic, but would only gain the support of viewers if it was on only once a week because the episodes were so inconsistent. If they had the right panel, it was the best show on TV, if it had hacks like Greg Proops on it, it was god-awful.