It got nothing to do with the pandemic virus, it's the show itself, simply deteriorating so rapidly. Judge Luke is such a horrible guy sitting in as one the three, every word he said just felt awkward and dumb. Perry is way too exaggerating like a class clown, Richie is okay, kinda sincere and looks real.
Regarding this current season's top twenty or now top ten, most of them are just plain, generic, with limited fathomable talent, none of them stand out and especially the female ones, voices are so stereotyped ordinary, some of the unique ones were unfairly eliminated, some of the better and little bit unique female singers among the twenty were mysteriously voted off, the ones who got the potential and talent, might have a chance to survive later is the country singer, no one else. As to the male singers picked up by votes, either unlikable or too weak to have any future at all, except that guy from Nepal, who might survive later in the music business.
"American Idol" should hang up their phony smiles and call quit after this embarrassed season. The three Judges of "The Voice" are so artificial and pretentious, especially that Levine(?) guy, so obnoxious and unlikable as Luke in "American Idol", but at least The Voice indeed were always with some strong and talented singers so far.
I've decided not to check out the latest 7 survivors of American Idol next Sunday, 'cause I simply couldn't care less.