This past Tuesday, While taking in the whole "Sundance experience," I got up early to see Mark Illsley's "Bookies." I was very disappointed, and would have been well served to sleep in. I recall the buzz that surrounded Illsley a few years ago (Happy Texas), and was very curious as to how he would follow up that... project. I should have left it at curiosity.
I'm not sure where exactly to begin, and I'm not going to do a point by point analysis here. My overarching feeling is that I dont' understand why this film was made. It just seems so pointless. I won't blast the acting, because a few performances were ok, and frankly, an actor can only work with what a script writer provides. The script was extremely weak and the film uncreative and obvious. Oooh - another mob related plotline! How original! I don't see how this film will find an audience, let alone be profitable. I don't even see this as a straight to video release.
My chief disappointment lies in the fact that the subject matter is very compelling. A fantastic film could be made on this subject matter. With the Superbowl right around the corner, I am reminded of how many Americans gamble - of how much money is at stake throughout an NFL season. Sure, some of that money is wagered legally in Vegas, but the lion's share of dollars at stake in "middle America" is certainly not bet through Vegas or even an offshore casino. There are people out there somewhere taking action and living a lifestyle I am curious about. Illsley's characters are not these people. And don't tell me about how the mob is out there to take back its turf. My twelve year old son could have done better(that's actually not as bad as it sounds - he is a very talented writer for a twelve year old).
Although I think this film is weak on its own merits, my chief criticism of the film is relative to the huge potential that is left on the table. I would be surprised to see this film obtain a distribution deal, particularly with the other quality films out there currently seeking such arrangements. Sorry - I hate to post negative thoughts, but this had to be said. Nothing is sadder to me than unrealized greatness.