Was in the middle of watching this (under the title "Winds Of Terror") on video, when I started to get a sinking feeling... This wasn't made BEFORE 9/11 was it? Came here and so it was. All I can say is...
Oh. My. God.
All the FBI and CIA had to do was watch this. They even name Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. So, sorry, the excuse of "nobody could have seen it coming" won't wash any more.
BTW - this movie is also heavily influenced by Richard Preston's "Hot Zone" - even to the point of borrowing whole chunks of text and dialog. Preston was the guy who woke up the Clinton Administration to the bioweapon threat.
Conclusion - you don't need to see this movie. You already saw it on 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks after. Let's hope there isn't a sequel in the works...