Presented as a series this overlong epic fails to tell Attila's story, the early part is totally correct, when under King Rua he was raised and becomes a leader later, but as shown in the picture never went to Rome, he meets Falvius Aetius when he had a brief exile between the Huns, the agreement with Emperor Theodosius who has to pay a heavy tribute in gold to avoid Attila's attack at Constantinople, given enough time to rebuilding the City's walls, while Attila gathered all Huns tribes at his command and swept the Balkans and central Europe, then Rome make a deal with Theodoric to struggles against Attila at Orleans that appears on the picture, Theodoric dies on battle, and the German barbarians went back leaving Romans at Attila's hand, the movie is surrounded by mysticism over a lost sword that will prove that Attila was the chosen one, witchcraft were expose over such old legends, his death as appears on movie has two different versions, they chosen the most plausible, despite had a strong and valuable casting the production itself is of low quality, the buildings are quite fake, the battle weren't enough convincible, anyway an average production!!!
First watch: 2009 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7