Around 2010, I decided to buy the Ricky Nelson back catalogue on original vinyl and this always struck me as an oddity. It was the soundtrack of a 1967 play called "On The Flipside" which I almost played to death on my hi fi. The play was shown in ABC Stage 67 and being from England there was no way it had ever been showed over here, and a DVD recording seemed an impossiblity. There had been brief excerpts on Youtube, but not the full play....until yesterday.
Wow! Oh happy day, some one had uploaded a wobbly telecine recording and it did not disappoint.
OK by modern eyes, its an oddity, weird and then some, but I guess this is the way TV was like back then.
I can understand how some people would turn it off after 10 minutes, but like the LP, I could experience it again and again and again.
Its no masterpiece, but I was so grateful to actual see it.