What a wonderful film! Whoever's responsible for assembling cast should get an award for casting. Taylor, Davis, Lewis and Harden are four of the most interesting actors to watch on screen. The story is brilliant. It is an honest, thoughtful and unapologetic look at motherhood, gender and intimate relationships. Juliette Lewis gives the best performance she's ever given in the role of April (a character unlike any she's ever played). Lili Taylor is sincerely brilliant and intense as usual. Judy Davis and Marcia Gay Harden are hilarious. Even the city of Barcelona and the architecture of the artist Gaudi are characters in this film. I am not familiar with this director's other work but her vision is very seductive. The camera angles, her use of color and the pace at which the film ebbs and flows is the reason I love cinema so much. The little girl who plays Delihah (Courtney Jines) is a total treat. She's smart but she's still childlike. She's complex without sounding a kid reading 'adult' lines. I reccommend this film whole-heartedly.