This poorly made Canadian work, shot mainly in Hamilton, Ontario, tells of a "Federal" drug enforcement officer from an unnamed agency, played by a monochromatic Paul De La Rosa, who during his assignment to his former home town for investigation of a heroin marketing operation organized there, becomes scrambled with several former high school classmates all somehow connected with illegal activities in and near the tourist attractions at Niagara Falls. Footage of the Falls is virtually the sole element of worth here, since the amateurish affair, filmed with video tape, is so devoid of merit that there is little point in cataloguing its inadequacies, with director/screenwriter Makichuk having scant, if any, knowledge of how to deploy his players or set up his scenes, while the primarily inexperienced cast, paced by the expressionless De La Rosa, are left to rely upon their generally insufficient resources in dealing with a weakly crafted script.