This gripping British thriller is based on the cult best seller `The Dwarves of Death' by Jonathan Coe. It is set in London and tells the story of William (Max Beesley) and his band `The Alaska Factory' as they attempt to follow their dreams of Rock and Roll fame.
The film starts darkly with William witnessing the bizarre murder of the lead singer of another band, apparently by two dwarves. The film then takes us back three weeks to show the lead up to this strange and shocking event.
In this short space of time we see the wide-eyed William gradually become disillusioned with the idea of pop stardom as his band and management try to force him to pen more commercial material and their unstable producer, Vincent (Ray Winstone), seems to teeter on the edge of drug-induced madness. It is Vincent's association with a 70's punk band `The Dwarves of Death' that seems to hold the key to the murder and the British DJ John Peel puts in a notable cameo as a studio assistant who helps William track down their only record.
`Five Seconds to Spare' is an excellent film; good use of London locations (notably the Millennium Dome), a well structured and exciting story, excellent performances by the cast and a superb soundtrack all combine to deliver a gripping and ultimately satisfying movie which deserves to do well.