Having already enjoyed Essgee's version of 'Tne Pirates', I came this production open minded and ready to be entertained. And was not disappointed. O.K it's not for G&S purists, but then Doyle Carte production can be a little (whisper it) boring. This was anything but. Great fun from the rollicking opening, with fantastic dancing from the chorus,to the irreverent and different ending. Jon English as the promoted 'Dick dead eye' kept the action moving at a fast pace, no time to think of the daft plot. I enjoyed all the performances.The Sister, cousin and Aunt, made a refreshing change from the usual ladies chorus. Drew Forsythe was a very funny and camp'Sir Joseph', David Gould warmed to the part of 'Captain Corcoran', not surprising as 'little Buttercup' in the hands of Amanda Muggleton, was far from the usual rotund Bumboat woman. Josephine and her Ralph, played by Helen Donaldson and Simon Gallaher, made a lovely couple, their singing a high point of this production.I have no gripe with using songs from other G&S shows.(W.S Gilbert was known to do the same when it suited). I am very glad I bought the DVD.