After DONKEY KONG JR. had been released, Nintendo had Shigeru Miyamoto to thank again for another brilliant game. Shigeru was thinking about making another game, but this time it would feature Mario as the main character. Before then Mario's name was Jumpman, but Shigeru decided to change it because of a guy who had heavily helped Nintendo (his name was Mario). So it was 1983, and Shigeru was designing his new game but decided that this could be a 2-player game, and Mario's partner would be his brother Luigi, who made his first appearance in this game. Mario was also a plumber now instead of his old job as a carpenter. Mario and Luigi's job was to rid the sewers of the strange creatures that have infested it. This game is loads of fun, it gets more challenging after every phase, and it is a never-ending game, which can give the challenge of seeing how far you can get. MARIO BROS. was released on arcades in 1983 and on the Atari 2600 in 1983. The arcade version is MUCH better, as the Atari's version has horrible graphics, sound, and control. It was also out on the NES by 1986 to let gamers enjoy classic days once again. However, the problem with this game is repetition, you can get bored with the same level over and over and over again. Playing it with a friend can make it less boring, and I think overall this game is pretty good; I rate it 7 out of 10.