The set-up for the original Brave Little Toaster movie was strangely plausible despite its weirdness, because of the themes revolving around these abandoned appliances, and while some of those themes are recaptured in both its sequels, the same depth or magic is lacking and the missions they embark on seem too far fetched in comparison (don't get me started on their trip to mars).
But here their master, Rob, is studying to become a veterinarian and takes care of a group of animals while he is finishing his thesis. He also tries to keep up with his girlfriend, so the movie is half about those two and our gang of appliances and the animals whose lives end up in the hands of a dangerous friend of Rob's.
His villainous role is not hidden at all, and you know it from the start. We also get a nice take on what the internet is which leads to some interesting moments and a touching action from Radio.
But yeah, the same problems occurs in this sequel as in the next one. The setting is a little too far fetched, even though it still retains some of the darker passages like in the original, and the songs are forgettable and some of them out of nowhere.
A tad better than the next sequel, but lacks the magic of the original.