I found this anime by accident while searching for thriller movies and the summary of the movie had caught my attention. This is an Japanese adaptation of the novel Die Schwarzen Brüder ("The Black Brothers") written in 1941 in Switzerland by author Lisa Tetzner. The anime tell the adventure of Romeo, a young boy from a poor family in a small village, in Milan as a chimney cleaner after he sold himself for the medicine money of his father. There's nothing i don't like about this anime: the plot, the character, the line, camera work or drawing work... and can only described by two adjectives and one adverb: absolutely amazing and enjoyable. If you are feeling lost or breaking down from pain, pressure...I recommend this anime will be a life saver for you. Romeo's blue skies will boost your motivation, make you believe in yourself and turning a negative spirit to positive one. I gave this 9 out of 10 because the ending was not fully clarified and I have to translate the German comments on the discussion forum to have a satisfied explanation.