Comprising an embarrassing performance of a dreadful script by Michael Caine, who must pray daily that nobody mentions this film in interviews, and a clumsy fake cockney accent by an American actor that puts Dick van Dyke (Mary Poppins)in the shadows. This film goes to great lengths to dovetail so many unfunny and badly scripted elements into one gross ordeal. There is so much swearing in this "comedy" that there was a $100 sweep, funded by Evi Quaid for whoever could guess the amount of f***'s in the film. The winning figure was 126. That sums it all up, really. Ramstein brighten it up with the music and the flamboyant scenery but really do go beyond the bounds of taste with their overtly sexual display. Occasionally seeing something really badly made can be invigorating, and a welcome break from the run of blandness that movies often cling to, and in this case I would recommend seeing this movie, then you can appreciate the good films so much more afterwards.