This rather peculiar film begins with a young black man by the name of "Chris Towne" (Renny Roker) working as a janitor for an arrogant boss who belittles him at every opportunity. Having finally reached his limit for abuse, Chris demolishes the glass display which had been the focus of boss' attention and for this destruction he is arrested and sent to a mental hospital. After an unknown period of time there, Chris is finally released on probation and gets a menial job at a construction site where he again encounters racist abuse from his new employer. Not wanting to lose his job or have his probation revoked, Chris does his best to tolerate it while seething inside. The scene then shifts to a drug dealer telling his men that he wants complete control of an elementary school playground in order to sell drugs to the children there. The problem is that there is a recreation director by the name of "Mindy" (Marie O'Henry) who protects these children and does her best to keep the predators at bay. To that effect, he orders his thugs to chase her away by any means necessary. What they don't count on, however, is Chris suddenly taking an interest in this situation on behalf of Mindy and the children there. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a well-intentioned effort by the director (Horace Jackson) to highlight the disturbing problem of black-on-black crime and the inability of law enforcement to combat it. Unfortunately, the film itself is limited in this regard due to its low-budget nature, weak script, poor film quality and the lack of continuity between scenes. That said, while I applaud Horace Jackson's effort, I cannot ignore the obvious faults in this film and I have rated it accordingly.