Mighty Max, based primarily upon a micro-sized toy line, was a terrific animated series which died prematurely but will always be remembered. Max, a young pre-teen, is the "Cap Bearer", a mystical warrior who is transported all over the world in order to combat evil in many forms. Along for the ride is Virgil, a Lemurian and a sentient owl, and Norman, a Nordic warrior, voiced excellently by Richard Moll. This series was well-animated and acted, and presented good storylines and memorable villains including Skullmaster, maliciously voiced by Tim Curry. The series ender was very peculiarly made, in that it ends with Max and his comrades beginning their adventures all over again, making the show seem seamless, but nonetheless sad. I was privileged to view Mighty Max on a Canadian satellite wild-feed, and taped much of the series, but true fans should petition channels such as Cartoon Network to present Mighty Max to its fans and potential viewers.