****SPOILERS**** Sweet and touching little movie along the lines of "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Defending Your Life" from a young boy's point of view. About life and death and redemption and in the end doing whats right is far better then doing whats considered both "cool an popular" among his friends and those he looked up to.
Eddie Chandler, Vincent Karthelser, is killed running into a car as he's chased out of a convenience store for stealing a candy bar to impress his friends. Waking up in the hospital operating room and finding himself dead Eddie is taken to Heaven by his Guardian Angel Howard, David Bowe, only for Howard to find out that it wasn't Eddie's time to go and has three days to ease Eddie back to his life on Earth.
In those three days Howard shows Eddie and a number of people that he runs into with Eddie what life is really all about and whats the right way to live it. By the time the three days are over Howard made Eddie a kind and understanding young man to people that he never gave much thought to when he was alive and not the uncontrollable delinquent that he was before he died. Howard also showed some of the people that he met through Eddie that same knowledge and understanding. Who like Eddie became much better persons because of it.
The movie "Heaven Sent" is much better then you would think that it is by it's title and much deeper for the young people that it was obviously made for. With Howard showing Eddie and people in the movie that there is far more good then bad and that bad things that we do are only a small part in our makeup. As Howard so wonderfully told Eddie, when he accidentally bumped into a women going up the stairs who yelled at him, not to be angry at her. Telling Eddie "Seeing past ones weaknesses is the best gift you can give as well as receive". From an angry woman, Mary Parker Williams, who shouted at an innocent delivery boy, Mike Tanner, who inadvertently knock her papers out of her hands to the night watchman Al, Wilford Brimley, who was to let a number of crooks steal expensive computer chips from the warehouse that he was watching Howard had them all see the light in their bad actions and turned them around for the better.
There was a very moving scene in a church with Howard and Eddie's mother Kathy, Mary Beth McDonough, where there was a choir being conducted in singing religious hymns who were badly off key. As the priest, William Christopher, who was conducting them was just about to dismiss them Howard came up to him and put his hand on his shoulder and told him if you just give the kids a chance and not be so hard on them they'll sing like a group of angles. Sure enough when given a chance and not pushed so hard by the priest the boys and girls in the choir gave out such a heavenly sound that the church, that was almost empty, filled to capacity to hear the singing.
David Bowe stole the movie as Howard the nerdy but lovable Angel, or Cherubin as he called himself, who showed Eddie as well as everyone else in the movie just what it's all about and that having a Heart of Gold is worth more then all the gold in Fort Knox. The movie "Heaven Sent" will really tax your tear ducts watching it with a nice surprise ending that will defiantly surprise you. Still it's not just the ending, it's the entire movie, thats well worth watching; a definite 10 out of 10.