This movie is what mid eighties action movies where about! Only, where some of those movies where good, this one just sucked ass! The acting is horrible, the special effects are overdone in a bad way, and the musical score is the worst i have ever heard in a movie (including porn, and that should say enough)
The story is about a cop called Johnny Duncan, who finds out his wife is having an affair, he shoots the guy and turns himself in, then he finds out that his sister is having drugs problems, so he escapes (in a 'briljant' escape scene) and comes to save her day!! That sums it up, he kills all the 'baddies' like he's in a video game, all the classic stereotypes are here, the shouting chief, the jail scene, the helicopter, flying cars which explode when they hit the ground, the druglord (who is doing loads of bakingpowder himself) the 'hot' chicks with 80's poofed hair, and the 'badboys' who just look tough, but die when you sneeze at them.
But, if you want to laugh at bad actors, bad scenes and bad music, you really should see it! I did laugh my butt off when i watched it, and it's a MIRACLE that it doesn't have an Alan Smithee credit, Tony Zardindast must be really proud of this!!