Hollywood for years portrayed drinking and smoking in all its films and continues to do the same thing in this century, making it look like a very important part of the social life for everyone, rich or poor, young or old. If you had a hard days work or wanted to have a ball, they showed famous actors and actresses having a martini and smoking in almost every scene. Drinking was an escape from the reality of having to face life and its many problems we all have to face. This picture about three(3) young gals looking for a good time, showing false ID's is an on going problem and does not end with this movie. (it is done with High School & College Students) Bonnie Root, who plays Lizzie Williams, enjoys drinking Vodka straight from the bottle, while other girls, Janie Palmer (Marisa Rudiak) and Kate Jenkins (Deanna Milligan) like to drink wine coolers or just plain beer. (all of these are addictive) As the movie progresses, each girl seems to drink occasionally and increases as time goes by, however, Lizzie seems to enjoy drinking more and more vodka. They are all very intelligent young ladies with straight A's, and have been told many times about the danger of drinking, however, they do not think it can happen to them, they really are not aware of the dangers of really drinking and its very addictive abilities to destroy your body and mind(BRAIN CELLS). One of he girls was able to turn off their drinking habits with no withdrawal symptoms(which is very hard to break, like smoking, but WORSE!) and went about their lives, however, Lizzie has an never ending fight with drinking. There really is no END to this movie so long as people DRINK & DRIVE and care nothing about their brothers and sisters in this world around them. The movie proved that you can really enjoy the natural JOYS of living without a DRINKING HIGH which vanishes the next day. Some of these girls thought that just drinking beer and wine was not as bad as hard booze, and found out it all leads them in the same direction. Having to drink everyday or on schedule, is a good sign you need HELP!