If you read my review of this one from August of 99, then you have my opinion after watching only once and being disappointed by its comparisons to Dazed & Confused. The fact is-- after I rented it, I thought of this movie often. I thought of some of the funny lines, but mainly it was thought provoking in a sense; as though it worked on a deeper level than it was meant to deliver on. The characters were somehow very believable and the situations, though far fetched in a movie way, really reminded me of being there years ago. For example, while Joe's ramblings are misguided and nonsensical, it was evident that he had higher aspirations. His dialogue was like how a kid like that might talk in real life-- not like someone reading from a script might. Hubbs and Tack were classic movie characters, as well.
Unable to get the film out of my head, I decided I had to own it. I ordered a copy and watch it about once a month or so, howling with laughter each time. My point is that my initial impression was not nearly as favorable as it is now, partly based on certain expectations. If you realize from the outset that you're watching a B-movie and just enjoy it for what it is, you may find the hidden gem that I found.