For David Kelly the creation of this law firm must have come to him as he envisioned what L.A.Law would've been in it's most bizarre form. If you told viewers beforehand some of the quirks and cases the main character, and the firm, would entertain I'm sure the "test" audience would have responded with a collective thumbs down. This is why the success and following of the show is all the more astounding.
I have watched from the first episode and look forward to it every week. From the first time we saw Ally get sexually harassed in her old firm, to her first sighting of the baby cupid on roller skates with a bow and arrow we have embraced her quirks and her flaws. We have hung on every "theme song", everytime she saw Al Green and most recently Barry Manilow, and we have learned to clutch onto all the zaniness of the other characters as well.
Be it John Cage stuttering(, to the great "Fishisms" of his partner Richard Fish, to Billy's Robert Palmer girls, to Elaine's face bra, etc. etc. These characters are now part of our tuesday conversation at the water cooler. And in America that is when a show has made it!
Season three had it's mindnumbing sameness to it, but the introduction of Robert Downey Jr. has brought new life to a stagnant show. At the time of this writing it was announced Downey Jr. had signed a new 8 episode deal so it should be interesting to see where the show goes.